Zheng, Z.; Florit, F.; Jin, B.; Wu, H.; Li, S.-C.; Nandiwale, K. Y.; Salazar, C. A.; Mustakis, J. G.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. Integrating Machine Learning and Large Language Models to Advance Exploration of Electrochemical Reactions.
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Wang, C.; Gupta, S.; Zhang, X.; Tonekaboni, S.; Jegelka, S.; Jaakkola, T.; Uhler, C. An Information Criterion for Controlled Disentanglement of Multimodal Data. arXiv October 31, 2024. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2410.23996.
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Pracht, P.; Pillai, Y.; Kapil, V.; Csányi, G.; Gönnheimer, N.; Vondrák, M.; Margraf, J. T.; Wales, D. J.
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Joung, J. F.; Fong, M. H.; Roh, J.; Tu, Z.; Bradshaw, J.; Coley, C. W. Reproducing Reaction Mechanisms with Machine-Learning Models Trained on a Large-Scale Mechanistic Dataset.
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Meijer, D.; A. Beniddir, M.; W. Coley, C.; M. Mejri, Y.; Öztürk, M.; Hooft, J. J. J. van der; H. Medema, M.; Skiredj, A. Empowering Natural Product Science with AI: Leveraging Multimodal Data and Knowledge Graphs.
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Greenman, K. P. Optical Property Prediction and Molecular Discovery through Multi-Fidelity Deep Learning and Computational Chemistry. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2024.
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McDonald, M. A.; Koscher, B. A.; Canty, R. B.; Jensen, K. F. Calibration-Free Reaction Yield Quantification by HPLC with a Machine-Learning Model of Extinction Coefficients.
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Mahjour, B. A.; Coley, C. W. RDCanon: A Python Package for Canonicalizing the Order of Tokens in SMARTS Queries. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2024, 64 (8), 2948–2954. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.4c00138.
Corso, G.; Deng, A.; Fry, B.; Polizzi, N.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. Deep Confident Steps to New Pockets: Strategies for Docking Generalization. arXiv February 28, 2024.
Li, S.-C.; Wu, H.; Menon, A.; Spiekermann, K.; Li, Y.-P.; Green, W. When Do Quantum Mechanical Descriptors Help Graph Neural Networks Predict Chemical Properties? ChemRxiv February 20, 2024.
Stark, H.; Jing, B.; Wang, C.; Corso, G.; Berger, B.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. Dirichlet Flow Matching with Applications to DNA Sequence Design. arXiv February 8, 2024.
Campbell, A.; Yim, J.; Barzilay, R.; Rainforth, T.; Jaakkola, T. Generative Flows on Discrete State-Spaces: Enabling Multimodal Flows with Applications to Protein Co-Design. arXiv February 7, 2024.
Yim, J.; Campbell, A.; Mathieu, E.; Foong, A. Y. K.; Gastegger, M.; Jiménez-Luna, J.; Lewis, S.; Satorras, V. G.; Veeling, B. S.; Noé, F.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. S. Improved Motif-Scaffolding with SE(3) Flow Matching. arXiv January 8, 2024. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.04082.
Heid, E.; Greenman, K. P.; Chung, Y.; Li, S.-C.; Graff, D. E.; Vermeire, F. H.; Wu, H.; Green, W. H.; McGill, C. J. Chemprop: A Machine Learning Package for Chemical Property Prediction.
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Koscher, B. A.; Canty, R. B.; McDonald, M. A.; Greenman, K. P.; McGill, C. J.; Bilodeau, C. L.; Jin, W.; Wu, H.; Vermeire, F. H.; Jin, B.; Hart, T.; Kulesza, T.; Li, S.-C.; Jaakkola, T. S.; Barzilay, R.; Gómez-Bombarelli, R.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. Autonomous, Multiproperty-Driven Molecular Discovery: From Predictions to Measurements and Back.
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Zheng, J. W.; Green, W. H. Experimental Compilation and Computation of Hydration Free Energies for Ionic Solutes.
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Pattanaik, L.; Menon, A.; Settels, V.; Spiekermann, K. A.; Tan, Z.; Vermeire, F. H.; Sandfort, F.; Eiden, P.; Green, W. H. ConfSolv: Prediction of Solute Conformer-Free Energies across a Range of Solvents.
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Payne, A. M.; Wu, H.; Pang, H.-W.; Grambow, C. A.; Ranasinghe, D. S.; Dong, X.; Dana, A. G.; Green, W. H. Towards Accurate Quantum Mechanical Thermochemistry: (1) Extensible Implementation and Comparison of Bond Additivity Corrections and Isodesmic Reactions. ChemRxiv November 29, 2023.
Griffin, D. J.; Coley, C. W.; Frank, S. A.; Hawkins, J. M.; Jensen, K. F. Opportunities for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Advance Synthetic Drug Substance Process Development. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2023, 27(11), 1868–1879. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.3c00229.
Goldman, S.; Wohlwend, J.; Stražar, M.; Haroush, G.; Xavier, R. J.; Coley, C. W. Annotating Metabolite Mass Spectra with Domain-Inspired Chemical Formula Transformers.
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Watson, J. L.; Juergens, D.; Bennett, N. R.; Trippe, B. L.; Yim, J.; Eisenach, H. E.; Ahern, W.; Borst, A. J.; Ragotte, R. J.; Milles, L. F.; Wicky, B. I. M.; Hanikel, N.; Pellock, S. J.; Courbet, A.; Sheffler, W.; Wang, J.; Venkatesh, P.; Sappington, I.; Torres, S. V.; Lauko, A.; De Bortoli, V.; Mathieu, E.; Ovchinnikov, S.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. S.; DiMaio, F.; Baek, M.; Baker, D. De Novo Design of Protein Structure and Function with RFdiffusion.
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Ketata, M. A.; Laue, C.; Mammadov, R.; Stärk, H.; Wu, M.; Corso, G.; Marquet, C.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. S. DiffDock-PP: Rigid Protein-Protein Docking with Diffusion Models. arXiv April 7, 2023.
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Sankaranarayanan, K.; Jensen, K. F. Computer-Assisted Multistep Chemoenzymatic Retrosynthesis Using a Chemical Synthesis Planner – Chemical Science (RSC Publishing).
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Levin, I.; Fortunato, M. E.; Tan, K. L.; Coley, C. W. Computer-Aided Evaluation and Exploration of Chemical Spaces Constrained by Reaction Pathways.
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Zahrt, A. F.; Mo, Y.; Nandiwale, K. Y.; Shprints, R.; Heid, E.; Jensen, K. F. Machine-Learning-Guided Discovery of Electrochemical Reactions.
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Xu, J.; Kalyani, D.; Struble, T.; Dreher, S.; Krska, S.; Buchwald, S. L.; Jensen, K. F. Roadmap to Pharmaceutically Relevant Reactivity Models Leveraging High-Throughput Experimentation.
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Xie, T.; Fu, X.; Ganea, O.-E.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. Crystal Diffusion Variational Autoencoder for Periodic Material Generation.
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Chung, Y.; Vermeire, F. H.; Wu, H.; Walker, P. J.; Abraham, M. H.; Green, W. H. Group Contribution and Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Abraham Solute Parameters, Solvation Free Energy, and Solvation Enthalpy.
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Kearnes, S. M.; Maser, M. R.; Wleklinski, M.; Kast, A.; Doyle, A. G.; Dreher, S. D.; Hawkins, J. M.; Jensen, K. F.; Coley, C. W. The Open Reaction Database.
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Ganea, O.-E.; Pattanaik, L.; Coley, C. W.; Barzilay, R.; Jensen, K. F.; Green, W. H.; Jaakkola, T. S.
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Guan, Y.; Coley, C. W.; Wu, H.; Ranasinghe, D.; Heid, E.; Struble, T. J.; Pattanaik, L.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. Regio-Selectivity Prediction with a Machine-Learned Reaction Representation and on-the-Fly Quantum Mechanical Descriptors.
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Mo, Y.; Guan, Y.; Verma, P.; Guo, J.; Fortunato, M. E.; Lu, Z.; Coley, C. W.; Jensen, K. F. Evaluating and Clustering Retrosynthesis Pathways with Learned Strategy.
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Gao, H.; Pauphilet, J.; Struble, T. J.; Coley, C. W.; Jensen, K. F. Direct Optimization across Computer-Generated Reaction Networks Balances Materials Use and Feasibility of Synthesis Plans for Molecule Libraries.
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Wang, X.; Qian, Y.; Gao, H.; Coley, C. W.; Mo, Y.; Barzilay, R.; Jensen, K. F. Towards Efficient Discovery of Green Synthetic Pathways with Monte Carlo Tree Search and Reinforcement Learning.
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Struble, T. J.; Alvarez, J. C.; Brown, S. P.; Chytil, M.; Cisar, J.; DesJarlais, R. L.; Engkvist, O.; Frank, S. A.; Greve, D. R.; Griffin, D. J.; Hou, X.; Johannes, J. W.; Kreatsoulas, C.; Lahue, B.; Mathea, M.; Mogk, G.; Nicolaou, C. A.; Palmer, A. D.; Price, D. J.; Robinson, R. I.; Salentin, S.; Xing, L.; Jaakkola, T.; Green, William. H.; Barzilay, R.; Coley, C. W.; Jensen, K. F. Current and Future Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Medicinal Chemistry Synthesis.
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Stokes, J. M.; Yang, K.; Swanson, K.; Jin, W.; Cubillos-Ruiz, A.; Donghia, N. M.; MacNair, C. R.; French, S.; Carfrae, L. A.; Bloom-Ackermann, Z.; Tran, V. M.; Chiappino-Pepe, A.; Badran, A. H.; Andrews, I. W.; Chory, E. J.; Church, G. M.; Brown, E. D.; Jaakkola, T. S.; Barzilay, R.; Collins, J. J. A Deep Learning Approach to Antibiotic Discovery.
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Yang, K.; Swanson, K.; Jin, W.; Coley, C.; Eiden, P.; Gao, H.; Guzman-Perez, A.; Hopper, T.; Kelley, B.; Mathea, M.; Palmer, A.; Settels, V.; Jaakkola, T.; Jensen, K.; Barzilay, R. Analyzing Learned Molecular Representations for Property Prediction.
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Coley, C. W.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. RDChiral: An RDKit Wrapper for Handling Stereochemistry in Retrosynthetic Template Extraction and Application.
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Li, Y.-P.; Han, K.; Grambow, C. A.; Green, W. H. Self-Evolving Machine: A Continuously Improving Model for Molecular Thermochemistry.
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Coley, C. W.; Jin, W.; Rogers, L.; Jamison, T. F.; Jaakkola, T. S.; Green, W. H.; Barzilay, R.; Jensen, K. F. A Graph-Convolutional Neural Network Model for the Prediction of Chemical Reactivity.
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Gao, H.; Struble, T. J.; Coley, C. W.; Wang, Y.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. Using Machine Learning To Predict Suitable Conditions for Organic Reactions.
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Coley, C. W.; Rogers, L.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. SCScore: Synthetic Complexity Learned from a Reaction Corpus.
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Coley, C. W.; Barzilay, R.; Green, W. H.; Jaakkola, T. S.; Jensen, K. F. Convolutional Embedding of Attributed Molecular Graphs for Physical Property Prediction.
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Coley, C. W.; Barzilay, R.; Jaakkola, T. S.; Green, W. H.; Jensen, K. F. Prediction of Organic Reaction Outcomes Using Machine Learning.
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